First you need to learn what problem does the language solve.
This will accompany the special features it has to solve said problems.
Start getting familiarized with the aspect of the programs written in this language have.
Install the language and the extensions in the IDE of your choice.
Learn to compile the language, either in your IDE or your terminal.
Then create a “Hello World” first project.
Learn to declare variables.
With it, you will see how the compiler handles datatypes.
Also, learn about the scope (global vs local) of said variables and how is that handled.
Print some to the terminal.
Arrays and lists.
You need to know how to use simple arrays and lists with hashtables, if the language has such feature.
Knowing lists, you will need loops to iterate through them and print their values.
Use for loops, while loops and such. Check the switch statement.
With this stage, you will find out of boundary errors and other common errors in the language.